Media Policy

Media Guidelines

The National Cyber Summit and event partners National Cyber Security Foundation, Cyber Huntsville Corporation, and The North Alabama ISSA Chapter welcome professional media members to cover this event.


The event organizers require proof of employment as a member of the media to make certain that only qualified media receive media credentials and gain access to event sessions and the exhibit hall. It is required that media credentials are presented such as, press passes, business cards, letters of verification and other identification (i.e. a copy of a publication sample editorial work and/or name on the masthead, a link to an article previously written, etc.) be provided when preregistering, registering onsite or when picking up a preregistered media/press badge. Freelance Writers are asked to provide a reason for attending the events, which can be done through a letter or email from the publication being represented, or if working independently a statement of editorial work will be considered. The above also applies for photojournalists/videographers.

Event organizers can refuse to issue media credentials for any individual not fitting the above requirements. Advertising, marketing, business development, publishers, business operations, and public relations personnel may not register as media.

Access and Rules of Engagement

Pre-registered media can obtain their media credentials and guidelines at the main registration counter. If registering onsite, please allow extra time for the registration process before sessions begin.

The event logo is available to be used by the media. Please email the National Cybersecurity Summit Marketing Director at who will provide a digital file of the logo. It is asked that the logo be presented on a light colored background to enhance readability.

Background information, bios and copies of the presentations/slides that have been approved for release by the respective presenters is not available onsite, a request can be made to the National Cybersecurity Summit Marketing Director after the event has concluded, and it will be provided if approved for release.

After obtaining media credentials, the Government POCs (listed below) can assist in receiving and adjudicating any requests for interviews with government speakers or participants.

The National Cybersecurity Summit Marketing Director can assist in receiving and adjudicating any requests for interviews with all non-government speakers or participants.

Media/Press Badges must be worn at all times when attending the event. This includes attending conference sessions/panels/roundtables, exhibit hall, reception as well as during interviews with any event participants.

The sessions and panels are open to the media and are “on-the-record.” Please see below for a list of events/sessions that are open with restrictions or closed to members of the media.

Follow-up questions may be asked after the presentations if specified by the session moderator or speaker. It is requested that media members clearly state their name and the publication, website or television network/station name they represent before asking questions.

It is also requested that media members identify themselves as press when engaging in conversations with all event participants.

Event organizers request that media members mention National Cyber Summit by name in any reporting of information obtained at the event. If tweeting, please use #NCS2024.

Events OPEN with restrictions or CLOSED to the media

The content of the sessions are open to the media but video recordings are prohibited during the sessions. The remainder of the event’s functions, common areas, and exhibit hall are considered “on-the-record” and open to the media, including photography and video recording, however, event organizers can elect to close a previously open portion of the program at their discretion and will communicate these changes appropriately to members of the media and attendees.

Photography, Videography and Audio Guidelines

Conference Sessions: Photography is allowed in the conference sessions as long as it is not disruptive. Videotaping of any of the conference sessions is generally prohibited and must be cleared with event organizers before it occurs. These requests may or may not be approved. Audio recording in the conference sessions is approved for the personal use of the media. These audio recordings may not be rebroadcasted in any format.

Exhibit Hall

All media members must obtain permission and releases (if requested) from any exhibiting organization/company that they are photographing, videotaping and /or recording audio. Care must be taken when operating in the exhibit hall that only the organization/company that you have permission to photograph, videotape or record is captured. Neighboring companies/organizations exhibits cannot be included unless there is permission to do so.

Very Important

Photos, videos and /or audio cannot be used by any organization or individual to inadvertently or purposely show Government or Industry endorsement for anything other than the event in which they are actively participating.

The Media Check in Location

At the main Summit Registration Desk in the South Hall Foyer.

Please remember that press/media badges are a privilege and can be revoked by event organizers at any time. Reasons include, but are not limited to, unauthorized videoing of conference sessions where video is prohibited, and the solicitation of advertisements, exhibit space, sponsorships, etc. in the conference controlled areas.


September 23-25, 2025
Von Braun Convention Center
Huntsville, AL





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